Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I calculate the 20+ cost?

A calcuation for the price for an 8 shaft, 10 treadle loom is as follows.

Base $196.00 + $5.10 (8 shafts,10 treadles) = $604.00. To $604.00, add 10% packing, postage and insurance: $604.00 + $60.40 = $664.40. Add provincial (PST) and federal (GST or HST) taxes where applicable.

USA customers add no taxes. USA customers convert Can $ prices above to US$ by reducing numbers by 20%. (For example, Can $664.40 becomes US $531.00.)

Canadians can pay by email transfer (interac) or by personal cheque. Americans by personal US$ check or international cashier's check.

Please confirm pricing prior to ordering by emailing

2. How do I measure Texsolv heddles?

To measure the Texsolv heddle length on a loom, measure the distance from the top of the upper heddle carrying bar to the bottom of the lower heddle carrying bar. Add twice the thickness of the bars.

To measure a Texsolv heddle free of constraint, lay the heddle on a table and measure the length from knot to knot. Ignore the end loops.

Do not try to measure heddle length while heddles are bundled.

For accurate measuring, stretch the measured heddle between two pins stuck into a piece of styrofoam.

3. What weavers' conventions do you attend?

We no longer attend conferences.

4. Where are dealers stocking Woolhouse Tools?

There are none. We sell directly only.

5. Do you sell wholesale?

We wholesale only Texsolv items only to bona fide businesses, and only in Canada.

6. Do you do custom work?

No, we don't. We sell only what we list in our website - and that keeps us sufficiently busy!

7. Do you offer discounts for volume sales?


8. Do table loom springs wear out?

No, our stainless steel table springs do not wear out. They can, however, be overstretched and not able to return to their original closed loop form. The consequence is a ragged and soft lower half of shed.

9. Where can I buy table loom springs?

The springs were custom made for our table looms and you can buy them from us.

10. Do you have separate instructions for your Ball Winder?

Yes, here's a text version of the instructions supplied with our Ball Winder.

Ball Winder Instructions - Click Here